Cookies Policy

The company ABELAY S.L, with tax ID: B07304389, with address at: C/ PABLO IGLESIAS Nº 49 07004 PALMA DE MALLORCA, BALEARES, email address: and website:, expressly informs users that in accordance with Art. 22.2 of Law 34/2002, dated 11 July regulating information society and electronic commerce services (LSSI), this website uses 'cookies' in order to provide a better service and provide you with a better browsing experience.

In this 'cookies' policy you will find the description and purpose of each of the 'cookies' used, as well as its name, the sending server, its expiration and information on how to verify if there is an international transfer of data.

We want to inform you clearly and precisely about the 'cookies' we use, detailing below; what is a 'cookie', what is it for, what types of 'cookies' we use, what is their purpose and how you can configure or disable them if you wish.

What is a 'cookie'?

A 'cookie' is a file that is downloaded on websites and is sent from certain websites to the browser, and that are stored on the user's computer, which may be a personal computer, a mobile phone, tablet, etc. These files enable the website to remember information about your visit, such as language and favourites, which enables you to retrieve information about the browsing made from your computer, which is intended to facilitate your next visit and to make the site more useful thanks to the customisation of its content.

How are 'cookies' used?

By browsing this website, users are agreeing to the installation of 'cookies' on their computer and that allow us to find out the following information:

 Recognize you as a user. Obtain information about your browsing habits. Customize the way content is displayed. -Statistical information about the use of the website.

-The user’s log-in to keep the session open on the website.

-The preferred website format for access from mobile devices.

-The most recent searches made on the services on the website and customisation data for these services.

-Information about advertisements that users are displayed. -Information from surveys that users have taken part in. -Data on the connection with social networks for users who access through their Facebook or Twitter accounts.

Below, you can find a classification of the 'cookies' that exist and may be used on our website, taking into account that the same 'cookie' may be included in more than one category.

 Types of 'cookies':

A.-Types of cookies according to the period of time they remain activated. Depending on the period of time that they remain activated in the terminal equipment, this website can use both temporary session cookies and permanent cookies.

1.- Session 'cookies': session 'cookies' store data only while the user accesses the web. They are usually used to store information that only interests to keep for the provision of the service requested by the user on a single occasion and disappear at the end of the session.

2.- Persistent / Permanent 'Cookies': permanent 'cookies' store the data in the terminal so that they are accessed and used in more than one session. The data that is still stored in the terminal can be accessed and processed during a period defined by the person responsible for the cookie and which can last from a few minutes to several years.

B.-Types of cookies according to their purpose. According to the purpose for which the data obtained through the 'cookies' is processed, the website may use:

1. Strictly necessary 'cookies': Strictly necessary 'cookies' are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes 'cookies' that guarantee basic functionalities and security features of the website. These 'cookies' do not store any personal information.

2.-Technical 'cookies': These are any that allow users to browse a website, platform or application and the use of different options or services that exist therein, such as to monitor traffic and communication of data, identify the log-in session, allow parties to have restricted access, remind users of the elements that make up an order, complete the purchase process of an order, perform a request for registration or participation in an event, use security elements while browsing, store content for the broadcasting of videos or sound or share content through social networks, etc.

3.-Customisation 'cookies': These are any that allow users to access the service with certain general predefined characteristics according to a set of criteria on users’ computers, such as the language, the type of browser used to access the service, the geo-localisation of the computer and the regional configuration from which you access the service.

4.- Strictly necessary 'cookies': Strictly necessary 'cookies' are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. This category only includes 'cookies' that guarantee basic functionalities and security features of the website. These 'cookies' do not store any personal information.

5.-Behavioural advertising 'cookies': These allow the advertising space that may be included by the publisher on a website, application or platform from which the requested service is provided to be managed in the most efficient manner possible. These cookies store information on user behaviour obtained through continued observation of their browsing habits, allowing the development of a specific profile to display advertising based on the same.

C.- Types of cookies according to the entity that manages them. Depending on who is the entity that manages the computer or domain from which cookies are sent and treats the data obtained, we can distinguish:

1.- Own/First-party cookies: are understood to be any that are sent to a user’s computer from a device or domain managed by the publisher itself and from which the service requested is provided to the User.

2.- Third-party cookies: These are any that are sent to users’ computers from a device or domain that is not operated by the publisher, but by another entity that processes the data obtained through the cookies. Third-party 'cookies' can be installed on certain websites that allow the services offered to be managed and improved. These may be Google Analytics, and Comscore statistical services.

Users expressly agree to use 'cookies' when browsing or using our services. However, users can opt to prevent the generation of 'cookies' and their removal by selecting the corresponding option on their browser. Certain services or functionalities of the website may not be available if you block the use of 'cookies' on your browser.

When browsing or using our services, the user expressly accepts our use of 'cookies'. However, the user has the option of preventing the generation of 'cookies' and their elimination by selecting the corresponding option in their browser. If you block the use of 'cookies' in your browser, it is possible that some services or functionalities of the website are not available.

 The Entity uses the following 'cookies' on this website for the purposes set out below:



(ID of the cookie and how it appears in the browser cache)

(first-party or third-party)

(Expiry date of the cookie once installed)

(The domain that the cookie is linked to)

(Function and purpose of the cookie)



Session cookie




Session cookie




Persistent cookie. Expiry /Duration: 1 year




Persistent cookie. Expiry /Duration: 1 year





(ID of the cookie and how it appears in the browser cache)

(first-party or third-party)

(Expiry/Duration date of the cookie once installed)

(The domain that the cookie is linked to)

(Function and purpose of the cookie)


Third Party. Supplier Google


Persistent cookieExpiry /Duration: 2 years.



Third Party. Supplier Google

Persistent cookieExpiry /Duration: 2 years



Third Party. Supplier Google


Persistent cookieExpiry /Duration: 2 years.



Third Party. Supplier Google


Persistent cookieExpiry /Duration: 2 years



Third Party. Supplier Google

Persistent cookieExpiry /Duration: 2 years



Third Party. Supplier Google

Persistent cookie. Expiry /Duration: 6 months



Third Party. Supplier Google

Persistent cookieExpiry /Duration: 1 year.



Third Party. Supplier Google

Persistent cookieExpiry /Duration: 2 years



Third Party. Supplier Google

Persistent cookie. Expiry /Duration: 6 months



Third Party. Supplier Google

Persistent cookie. Expiry /Duration: 6 months



Third Party. Supplier Google

Persistent cookie. Expiry /Duration: 1 month



Third Party. Supplier Google

Persistent cookie. Expiry /Duration: 1 month



Third Party. Supplier Google

Persistent cookieExpiry /Duration: 2 years



Third Party. Supplier Google


Persistent cookieExpiry /Duration: 2 years



Third Party. Supplier Google

Persistent cookieExpiry /Duration: 2 years



Third Party. Supplier Google

Persistent cookie. Expiry /Duration: 1 year



Third Party. Supplier Google

Persistent cookieExpiry /Duration: 2 years.



Third Party. Supplier Google

Persistent cookie. Expiry /Duration: 1 month




Third Party. Supplier Google

Persistent cookie. Expiry /Duration: 6 months



Third Party. Supplier Google


Persistent cookie. Expiry /Duration: 2 years



Third Party. Supplier Google


Persistent cookie.

Expiry /Duration 1 minute.





'Cookies' do not contain information that allows them, by themselves, to identify a specific user. Regarding us, the information obtained can only be associated with a specific user if that user is identified on the web. If so, such data will be treated in accordance with the privacy policy of the Web, complying at all times with the requirements of current regulations on the protection of personal data. The affected users may exercise at any time their right to access, rectify and delete the data, as well as other rights as explained in the aforementioned privacy policy. For more information you must access our Data Protection Policy.

The 'cookies' will be used solely and exclusively for the necessary time, to fulfill the purposes for which it has been indicated in each cookie. In relation to third-party cookies, the retention periods can be consulted in the privacy policies and 'cookies' policies of the third parties. Once the 'cookie' has expired, it can be renewed if the user accepts its use again.

You can find out about transfers to third countries that, where appropriate, are made by the third parties identified in this 'cookie' policy in their corresponding policies.

How to manage cookies in your browser?

The user has the option of allowing, blocking or deleting the cookies installed on his/her computer by configuring the browser options installed on their terminal.

How is authorisation given to the company for the use of cookies on this website?

With regard to the use of cookies on this website described in the previous section, as a user you authorise and gives consent for their use in the following way: When you access any website, a message will appear indicating that the website of ABELAY S.L uses cookies, and that you may accept or reject their use by configuring your browser settings. If you do not configure your browser settings to ensure that cookies are not activated, when browsing the website of ABELAY S.L  and using its services you accept the use made of these cookies.

How is consent withdrawn for the use of cookies on this website?

As a user you have the option to not give your consent for the use of cookies at any time through your web browser, and can allow, block or delete cookies installed on your system by configuring the options of the web browser that you use on your device (computer, mobile, tablet). You can allow or block 'cookies', as well as delete your browsing data (including 'cookies') from the browser you use. Consult the options and instructions offered by your browser for this. Keep in mind that if you accept third-party 'cookies', you must delete them from the browser option.

Without enabling the necessary and technical 'cookies' described in this 'cookie' policy, some services or functionalities of the website may not be available.

If cookies are not activated as described above, the web services indicated will not be provided.

The following links explain how to carry out this process for the main web browsers:


Microsoft          Edge: -63947406-40ac-c3b8-57b9-2a946a29ae09



Updating the cookies policy

The company ABELAY S.L will update this policy when necessary, either because of a regulation requiring it to do so, or because it has removed certain cookies, or is using new cookies. Any modification of these terms and conditions will be published on this website.

Once you have been informed of the new terms and conditions, and these have been made available to you by publishing them on this website, the new cookies policy will apply and automatically replace the previous policy.

If you have any queries about this cookies policy, you can contact the company ABELAY S.L     by emailing

Configuración personalizada de cookies

Cuando visita cualquier sitio web, puede almacenar o recuperar información en su navegador, principalmente en forma de cookies. Esta información puede ser sobre usted, sus preferencias o su dispositivo y se utiliza principalmente para hacer que el sitio funcione como lo espera. La información generalmente no lo identifica directamente, pero puede brindarle una experiencia web más personalizada. Debido a que respetamos su derecho a la privacidad, puede optar por no permitir algunos tipos de cookies. Haga clic en los diferentes encabezados de categoría para obtener más información y cambiar nuestra configuración predeterminada. Sin embargo, bloquear algunos tipos de cookies puede afectar su experiencia del sitio y los servicios que podemos ofrecer.

Aceptar todas las Cookies Rechazar todas

Las cookies necesarias ayudan a que un sitio web sea utilizable al habilitar funciones básicas como la navegación de páginas y el acceso a áreas seguras del sitio web. El sitio web no puede funcionar correctamente sin estas cookies. Estas cookies no almacenan ninguna información de identificación personal.

Las cookies de estadísticas ayudan al sitio web a comprender cómo los visitantes interactúan mediante la recopilación y el informe de información de forma anónima. Estas cookies nos permiten contar las visitas y las fuentes de tráfico, para que podamos medir y mejorar el rendimiento de nuestro sitio. Nos ayudan a saber qué páginas son las más populares y las menos populares y a ver cómo se mueven los visitantes por el sitio. Toda la información que recopilan estas cookies es agregada y, por lo tanto, anónima. Si no permite estas cookies, no sabremos cuándo ha visitado nuestro sitio.

Estas cookies pueden ser establecidas a través de nuestro sitio por nuestros socios publicitarios. La intención es mostrar anuncios que sean relevantes y atractivos para el usuario individual y, por lo tanto, más valiosos para editores y anunciantes externos. No almacenan información personal directamente, sino que se basan en la identificación exclusiva de su navegador y dispositivo de Internet. Si no permite estas cookies, experimentará publicidad menos específica. Una vez incluidas estas Cookies el sistema no puede borrarlas automáticamente pero puede administradlas desde su navegador le explicamos como en esta misma página en: "¿Cómo administrar ‘cookies’ en el navegador?".
